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King Charles setlists, infogramas, estadísticas sobre sus canciones y tours

King Charles actualmente tiene la posición #8749 con 129 conciertos, una popularidad del 35% y 83 102 followers

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King Charles
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King Charles is a singer-songwriter whose sound has been described as everything from psychedelic rock to folk-pop. Born and raised in London, Charles fell in love with country music, took up the guitar, and was writing his own music by the age of 17. Following a year at Durham University, Charles returned to London in 2007 without a degree but with the new moniker 'King Charles'. He formed a band, Adventure Playground, who along with other like-minded souls, made West London's Bosun’s Locker their base.

Canciones Más Tocadas de King Charles

Conciertos de King Charles tocando covers

King Charles ha tocado covers en 8 de 129 conciertos, con una probabilidad del 18.18% de escuchar uno en sus presentaciones, de artistas como Bob Dylan y Billy Joel