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Comeback Kid setlists, infogramas, estadísticas sobre sus canciones y tours

Comeback Kid actualmente tiene la posición #3653 con 1175 conciertos, una popularidad del 47% y 170 807 followers

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Comeback Kid
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Comeback Kid is a Canadian hardcore band from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Formed in 2000, the band is signed to Victory Records. Their name comes from a headline in a newspaper about hockey player, Mario Lemieux coming back to the NHL. The band was formed in 2002 by Andrew Neufeld and Jeremy Hiebert who were both members of the band Figure Four, which is currently on hiatus. They were joined by their friends Scott Wade and Kyle Profeta, but CBK was originally intended only to be a side project.

Canciones Más Tocadas de Comeback Kid

Conciertos de Comeback Kid tocando covers

Comeback Kid ha tocado covers en 14 de 1175 conciertos, con una probabilidad del 4.4% de escuchar uno en sus presentaciones, de artistas como Nirvana, Phil Collins, Gorilla Biscuits, Misery Signals y Midnight Oil